Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My "Life" vs. My "Real" Life

I'm a planner. No seriously, I'm a planner. I plan each and every day out to the second. It's a character flaw....I bother people...heck I bother myself. 12 years ago, I had a pretty great plan for Carrie. I would graduate Avon Grove High School, attend ACU, meet a doctor/lawyer, get married right after college, move back to Landenberg, live in my $600,000+ house, drive a new Benz, have 3.5 kids by 28 and spend all day living a joyful life with my kids and husband, all while volunteering at an animal shelter. Jealous? So am I. That would have been a cool life!

So, I did graduate from AG. I did attend ACU but then 9/11 happened and I realized that family was number 1. I left ACU after my first year and transferred to PITT (the first word I could spell was PIT by the way) and my dreams took a turn. I've dated lots of future lawyers, doctors and successful businessman but they were turds.....ask my friends. They weren't my match. I graduated college and realized that I enjoyed working (not every day but most), I worked really hard and bought my first home (not $600,000 +) but one great house, I drive a nice car....but it's no Benz (2013!), I have kids....but they have 4 legs and lots of fur. I also spend all day living a joyful life with my amazing boyfriend (who is amazing! Smart and talented) and guess what, I found that job in animal rescue....and realized it breaks your heart and turns your world upside down when you realize that people are so awful!

I'm less than a year from reaching 30 - I use to thing 30 was sooooo OLD. I don't feel old. I feel young and as if my whole life is waiting for me. I know I'll have my "dreams" but my dreams may just be tailored to a more mature and reasonable Carrie.

Plans are great but when you realize that plans need to change (and often time for the better) things seem to fall in place. My blood pressure.....that's another story.