Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All about me!

That my new goal in my personal life. To make my life more about ME (in a positive way)! Over the last six or so years, I've really let myself "go" - fitness hasn't been number one, I've put everyone and everything before myself and it's just not healthy.

Growing up, I was overly active. As soon as I was able, my parents had me in gymnastics, dance, tap and then finally at 4, I found figure skating. A little fact, I hate to run. If you were in my gym class as a young child...you would know this. I walked the mile and made the whole class wait for me as I walked my 15 min mile. It wasn't because I couldn't run...It' was because I wasn't going to run.

Anyway, growing up, I was at the rink on average 4 to 6 hours a day. I wasn't always skating, I was in the gym with the trainers, in dance class, doing office or skating on the ice. I was so physically fit that I could eat anything I wanted but found myself not wanting much. I stayed around 105 - 110 pounds during high school....a nice size zero in pant sizes (those were the days).

Then I went to college and the size zeros we to a size 2...so awful (or so I thought) - I stayed active. Taking fitness classes each semester, hitting the gym with friends, dancing the nights away at clubs drinking my rum and diets, and walking all around the city of Oakland (Pittsburgh that is).

After college.....things took a turn for the worst. I started to put my job first, boyfriend at the time first and anything else that came my way. I didn't work out. I ate on the run and the weight came on. It didn't help that I got sick and was put on steroids. That helped to pack on a lot of pounds. After that...I gave up.

Six years later, I'm tired. I'm tired of everything and I'm finally realizing that I need to be number one in my life. I need to eat healthy. That's a choice I can make. I need to not pass up the gym to do something that can wait till later. I need to get my butt to my class and make my health and fitness just as important as going to work.

I'm two months in to attending a fitness class 3 times a week. Do I make it all 3 times....not always. I'm in the middle of our largest fundraiser of the year and I'm giving myself a few passes but 3 times a week is my goal. I would love to go 4 times a week but I noticed that when I do, things around the house start to slide....so I think 3 is a realistic goal for me, right now.

Thus far, I've started to feel a lot more happy with myself. I've signed up for a year membership and I really can't wait to see myself this time next year : ) I"ve also down 5 pounds. Which is huge for me.


  1. I am right there with ya. I've been wanting to go back to the gym and lose 20 lbs of "baby weight" that wont go away since I still eat whatever I want. I need to jump on the bandwagon with you, yet I'm still making excuses!

  2. I feel you. I gave in when I went to put on my "fat jeans" and they were super tight and I refuse to go up to the next size. You would love this class....it's a MMA fitness class. I now understand why you loved karate - it's such a great workout!
